This is my webventure. This project took the most time in figuring out what I wanted to do. I had never really done something like this and so I didn't know where to start. I remembered this artwork of these dancing people and I decided to start there. So you enter between one of the four colors. Using photoshop I learned I could fill these people in so for the red person I designed to do more of these images. I tried to make them harder each time and you would have to find the right person. If it was the wrong person it would take you to the artist's page. The green one then led me to the idea to keep the art theme. I found out there was a "Find Andy" and so i took some images from there to make it a finding game. Then this led to me just coming up with cool image type games/trick on the computer. The yellow man led me to find the negative images that are illusions and show you the real image when they disappear. Lastly for the blue guy, I remembered some of the card games I used to play when I was younger and I remembered the one where you have a deck of card and flip over one card. Then for the next card you decide if it's higher or lower. If you're right you win, if you're wrong you lose. I had a lot of fun making this project so I hope people have just as much fun playing it!
Sydney Burmood
Webventure Blog Post
Updated: Dec 17, 2019